Athletics Otago - Represent Otago

Represent Otago

Representing your province is a privilege.

Athletics Otago wish to enable their athletes to perform to their highest expectations and meet their goals while representing their region.

In return, Athletics Otago expect athletes to represent their region with honour, integrity and respect.


All age groups are determined at the  31st December of the current competition year.

  • Athletes must turn 13 years of age in the year of competition.
  • Be a registered and financial member of Athletics Otago.
  • Must compete in the Otago Championships event. (Athletes may receive an exemption on written request if injured, or competing at a higher level competition)
  • Must compete in at least one other Athletics Otago event.
  • Is required to meet any entry standards for the relevant age group applied to the event.


  • The Athletics Otago Singlet or croptop is available for purchase online below or by emailing the Administration Officer.
  • Shorts or skins to be worn must be plain black.

Code of Conduct

  • All Athletes who wish to be considered for selection for an Otago team will be required to sign the code of conduct  on  completing the "registration of Interest." for the event.  Read Code of Conduct HERE.

Events for Otago Team Selection

  • NZ Cross Country Championships
  • NZ Road Championships
  • NZ Combined Events Championships 
  • NZ Track & Field Championships

Please refer to the individual event buttons for further information regarding upcoming events.